insane-curiosity 2 years ago
astronomy science technology #Space and Time

Why Do Gaseous Planets Have Rings, but Rocky Planets Don't?

Let us begin with two simple statements, based on mere observational evidence.

All the gaseous planets of the Solar System (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) have developed a ring system, while the "terrestrial" type planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) have not.

All the gaseous planets possess entire legions of natural satellites, while the "terrestrial" planets are almost totally devoid of them!

Yet, small or large, solid or gaseous, all planets in our planetary system have had a common origin!

Why can't Earth boast of a beautiful ring system? And why are Venus and Mercury completely devoid of moons in their sky?

What cosmic law commands or forbids this?

How are these structures formed? Are they the inevitable remnant of the formation process of the outer planets, and thus were born with them? Or did they form accidentally later due to different causes?

Why do only the outer planets form rings?

Insane Curiosity
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