spider-man 17 years ago

The Spectacular Spider-Man | 01 - Survival of The Fittest (2008)

Summer is over for Peter Parker and school's ready to start - both literally and in the real world of crime-fighting - as Spider-Man faces his first real challenge, the Enforcers, and his first real super-villain, Vulture.

Now he has become superhero Spiderman during the summer, Peter Parker looks forward to the new school-year.

Alas, as Peter he's still ignored by girls and bullied by jocks. Because he overhears that his aunt is financially broke, he takes job in Osborne's lab and as junior reporter, but it does not prove as cool a he hoped.

However Osborne's evil inventor, Toomy, wants revenge as he isn't given due credit.

The Enforcers crime gang wants to eliminate Spiderman.

1962 - present