graham-hancock 2 years ago
writer journalist #History and Archaeology

The Book of Enoch | Terrifying Knowledge About Human Race

Few historical writings arouse as much curiosity as the Book of Enoch, which has been described as "forbidden from the Bible" for unveiling profound truths about the mysteries of creation.

It's a book filled with sensual fallen angels, violent giants, strange cosmology, and world-changing revelations.

The Book of Enoch is an apocryphal Old Testament book about events that occurred a century before the birth and ministry of Jesus. Most Christian denominations do not consider this book to be divinely inspired scripture. At the end of the fourth century, the original manuscript disappeared; it was later discovered in Abyssinia, Ethiopia, in 1773. Only the Ethiopian Christian sect includes the Book of Enoch in their scriptures.

Today, we show the startling revelations from the book of Enoch that have been forbidden from the Bible.

Who really is Enoch? Enoch was Adam's great-great-great-great grandson (and Noah's great grandfather) who led a holy and faithful life to the Lord, according to the Bible.

He also becomes the father of Methuselah, the person who lived the longest. He has had several offspring during his three-plus centuries on Earth.

Only two people in the Bible, Enoch and Elijah, appear to be carried directly to heaven without experiencing death. God "takes (him) away" after 365 years on Earth (Genesis 5:24). "Take" appears to indicate "snatched up" or "carried away."

Perhaps in the same way that God took away Elijah the prophet. He walked in faith throughout his life, and that made all the difference. Whatever happened, he trusted and obeyed God.

God was so fond of Enoch that he spared him the agony of death. Many Jewish and Christian traditions revolve around Enoch. He was thought to be the author of The Book of Enoch and was also known as The Scribe of Judgment.

Enoch is mentioned in the Gospel of Luke, the Epistle to the Hebrews, and the Epistle of Jude, the latter of which quotes from it. In the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Oriental Orthodoxy, he is regarded as a saint. Enoch was a well-known preacher, and his sermon was one of God's judgements on humanity. His ministry was a forerunner to Noah's mission as a preacher of righteousness and builder of the Ark.

Given the world's level of immorality and ungodliness, it was amazing for a man to stand up and pronounce judgement on his neighbors.

Graham Hancock
1950 - present