chubbyemu 7 months ago
dr. bernard #Health

A Woman Drank 4 Liters Juice Everyday For 3 Years....

Patient JL by Xi Chen, Physician by Dr Zhengyu Lin, Physician by Dr Shiwei Zhao, Physician by Dr Shaun Zhang. Patient in room by Jason Whang. Guy sleeping on couch in the background that you kinda can and can't see by Wu

00:00 - A Woman Drank 4 Liters Juice Everyday For 3 Years

00:20 - First symptoms, years ago

00:35 - An easy fix...

01:03 - Juice go glug glug

01:33 - A new symptom appears

01:59 - Hey Doc... my stomach really hurts

06:12 - What about her teeth and her bones?

07:25 - Factor

08:25 - Woulda been nice if it was just dehydration...

11:55 - Hey, what you got there?

15:21 - This was a Disease, not a syndrome

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