9.500-Year-Old Settlement Discovered in Turkey: Sırçalıtepe

Sırçalıtepe is located in the volcanic Cappadocia region of Turkey, within the borders of the Kayırlı village in the province of Niğde.

It’s a 12-metre-high mound, covering an area of 210 by 170 metres and recent excavations have revealed a 9,500-year-old aceramic Neolithic settlement and obsidian workshop with well-preserved architectural features and chipped stone finds.

The site is just a few kilometres away to the two primary sources of Obsidian in central Anatolia and the obsidian finds at Sırçalıtepe are numerous.

This is another truly ancient and exciting discovery in Turkey and please watch this video to learn more about it and see all the pictures released so far to the media.

All images are taken from Google Images and Google Earth.

Matt Sibson
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