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What's really behind "The Great Reset"?

Is this the real power behind the Great Reset? Look, we've all heard the taglines, seen the logos, and heard a story or two about what this could all be about. But what's the real truth?

2021-10-19 19:00:00 - Sorelle Amore Finance

Well, I can't say I know for sure. But based on how companies have used lobbying over the past century of human history, we have a pretty good idea of what generally happens when money goes into any concentrated PR effort. Let alone one that's being enacted on a global scale.

In this video, I'm not making any accusations. I'm just taking evidence and looking at what could potentially be happening in a hypothetical scenario. As always, it's good to follow the money in any of these scenarios.

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00:00 - Winter is coming

00:47 - The controversy behind The Great Reset

02:24 - The power behind this whole thing

03:51 - Where does this money and power come from?

07:10 - The world's largest economic PR campaign

09:33 - It's a big club, but we ain't in it

11:35 - A few final thoughts

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