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Suspense | The Predictions of Nostradamus

While many astrologers, seers and mystics are predicting a hopeful future. If you believe Nostradamus, you better start kissing your mommies and saying your goodbyes.

2021-03-11 19:00:00 - The Why Files

He predicted that 2020 would be a "great trouble for humanity". Well, that was true. And he says a greater trouble is coming in the form of a global famine.

According to Nostradamus, the famine will be the worst the world has ever faced and will ultimately end in a disruption of social hierarchies and state power.Nostradamus predicted solar storms will take place. He said: "We shall see the water rising and the earth falling under it".

Then he predicts a comet or asteroid will hit the earth or come very close to striking the planet which will cause earthquakes and other natural disasters: "In the sky, one sees fire and a long trail of sparks."FYI, we did have a few close calls with asteroids this past year. And NASA's automated asteroid watching system, called Sentry, is currently tracking asteroid 2009 JF1.

JF1 is around 130 meters in diameter. About the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza. This could hit Earth in 2022.Nostradamus predicted a great calamity would shake through the New World in the "Lands of the West" causing it to fall into the ocean. This is thought to be California.

He suggested that this great calamity will happen when "Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn fading". The date when Mars and Saturn will be in those exact positions in the sky is Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 2021.

And the last prediction is a doozie. Two words: Zombie Apocalypse.

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