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Next.js 13 Full Course | Build and Deploy a Full Stack App

Next.js recently became the official React framework as outlined in React docs.

2023-05-05 19:00:00 - JavaScript Mastery

In this course, you'll learn the most important Next.js concepts and how they fit into the React ecosystem.

Finally, you'll put your skills to the test by building a modern full-stack Next 13 application.

00:00:00 | Intro

00:03:33 | The Benefits of Next.js

00:12:54 | File & Folder Structure

00:18:39 | Server & Client Components

00:23:22 | Routing & Special Next.js Files

00:31:21 | Data Fetching (SSR, SSG, ISR)

00:34:26 | Next.js API Endpoints

00:40:48 | SEO & Metadata

00:42:48 | Promptopia Project Demo

00:44:31 | Project Setup

00:53:22 | Home page

01:50:17 | Create page

02:14:41 | Feed page

02:32:28 | Profile page

02:48:17 | Next.js API Routes

03:06:39 | Special Assignment!

03:12:17 | Deployment

03:23:06 | Share Your Work

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