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Magnus Carlsen Vs. Kasparov | Reykjavik Rapid (2004)

Prince of Chess directed and produced by Øyvind Von Doren Asbjørnsen. This was at the Reykjavic Rapid 2004 tournament where some of the world's best players competed.

2004-03-19 17:00:00 -

A rapid game between the past and future world champion? 2 of the worlds greatest players indeed. I wonder what would happen if they were to play now. Interesting that sometime after this, Kasparov started coaching Carlsen for a while.

Magnus came close to beating Kasparov in a rapid game when he was 13 years old.

After about 30 moves, Magnus had a clear pawn up and a dominating position, in addition to an advantage on the clock. However, Kasparov escaped with a draw and went on to win the remaining games in the 2-game mini-match

The next year, Kasparov retired. He never played Magnus in an official game again.

In 2009, Magnus hired Kasparov as a coach. During their sessions, they played many training games. According to Magnus himself, he won the majority of those, although he never revealed a specific score.

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