apple 14 years ago
technology company #Phones and Gadgets

History of the Leaked iPhone 4 Prototype (2010)

If you’re one of my younger viewers, you may not know much about this story since it took place eight years ago, but you need to understand that what we’re about to discuss is considered by most people as the biggest tech leak in history.

And that probably sounds impossible since Apple is known for being the most secretive company in the world, I mean, they have multiple locks on labs with unreleased products, they have armored doors, they constantly change system passwords, and they even have their own security force patrolling their campus at all times for intruders and spies. And if that wasn’t enough, every prototype they built was kept under surveillance with restricted access only to people who were directly included in the products development. 

And this is why most Apple employees are just as shocked as we are when the company introduces a new product. There was even a story about a worker being fired for showing an unreleased iPad to another Apple employee. So it’s pretty hard to imagine that a super secret iPhone prototype would appear on a random bar stool twenty miles away from Apple’s campus. But that just proves that no matter how hard a company tries to be perfect, it’ll eventually make a mistake since companies are just made up of humans, and humans are imperfect.

So this mistake had something to do with an unreleased iPhone 4 prototype, a tech news website called Gizmodo, and a very angry Steve Jobs.

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