Harvard CS50 | Full Computer Science University Course
Learn the basics of computer science from Harvard University. This is CS50, an introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.
2022-10-19 19:00:00 - freeCodeCamp.org
00:00:00 | Lecture 0 - Scratch
01:45:08 | Lecture 1 - C
04:13:23 | Lecture 2 - Arrays
06:20:43 | Lecture 3 - Algorithms
08:37:55 | Lecture 4 - Memory
11:03:17 | Lecture 5 - Data Structures
13:15:36 | Lecture 6 - Python
15:39:25 | Lecture 7 - SQL
18:00:55 | Lecture 8 - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
20:23:38 | Lecture 9 - Flask
22:39:01 | Lecture 10 - Emoji
24:02:50 | Cybersecurity