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Dr. John Campbell | Coronavirus: Protect Yourself and Family

Practical tips to protect yourself and your family from Coronavirus from China.

2020-01-28 19:00:00 - Dr. John Campbell

01. Stay home, avoid planes, buses, trains, busy areas

02. No visitors, avoid close contact with symptomatic people or potential carriers, don’t share cups

03. Wear a quality medical mask

04. Wrap around glasses

05. Gloves and meticulous hand hygiene, don’t touch eyes, nose mouth

06. Don’t trust hand sanitizers

07. Avoid hospitals, limited visiting

08. Good nutrition, vitamin D

09. Keep warm

10. Thoroughly cook meat and eggs

11. Catch it - bin it - kill it

12. Coughs and sneezes spread diseases

13. Avoid public spaces if you start to feel ill with fever

These suggestions will also help to protect against seasonal flu caused by influenza. 

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