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Box of Delights 4 | The Spider in the Web (1984)

'Seekings' is burgled and Kay believes it is the work of Abner's evil associates.

1984-12-07 22:00:00 - BBC Archive

Miss Maria returns and tells Kay, Peter and the others about the details of her abduction. She claims to have been taken to Chester's College. Kay and Peter then decide to go to Chester's to check out her story.

Meanwhile it is discovered that Caroline Louisa is missing. But where can she be?

At Chester's Chubby Faced Joe is becoming disillusioned with Abner's plans, until Abner shows him a picture of Ramon Lully in a book. The picture is hundred's of years old, but Joe suddenly realises that Cole Hawlings and Ramon Lully are one and the same person. But how can that be......?

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