5-minute-crafts 6 years ago
tips and tricks #Tips and Tricks

33 Easy and Fresh Household Tips for Everyday Use

If you don’t want to spend a lot of time on cleaning or even a whole weekend, you should totally watch our video!

 With our time-saving cleaning and organizing tips, you will spend more time enjoying your clean home then than tidying it up. Besides, we will teach you how to cut costs on cleaning supplies and make them at home from cheap ingredients. Stop spending a lot of money on house cleaning and supplies!

Here are cheap cleaning solutions everybody should know:

- You never knew you could use coke for cleaning. Mix coke and toothpaste to clean your bathroom

- Clean your mattress easily! Treat stains on the mattress with a combination of baking soda, vinegar, and liquid dish soap. Mix them into a spray bottle and treat the stained area.

- Find how to remove water stain circles from wood furniture using mayonnaise

- If your kid painted the walls with a crayon, use a hairdryer to save the situation. Melt crayons using a hair dryer and easily clean with a cloth. You can also use a hairdryer to remove a sticker from a table

- If you need to remove pet hair from the couch, use wet disposable glove

- Get rid dust smell using cinnamon

- If you lost something tiny under the coach, put pantyhose around the end of the vacuum hose to find it easily. Use salt to clean your iron

- Remove a sticker from the wooden surface using soda and cooking oil

- You can make a cheap air freshener from vodka and mint

- Here is a quick cleaning hack: clean your carpet using ordinary cornstarch. Mix cornstarch, baking soda, whole cloves, bay leaves together. Sprinkle dry powder on your carpet, leave it for two hours, then vacuum it up

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