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What's New in Laravel v8.78

The Laravel team released 8.78 with the ability to add custom rules to default password validation rules, a mergeIfMissing() request method, asserting batch counts in tests, and the latest changes in the v8.x branch.

2022-01-10 19:00:00 - Laravel

Define Extra Default Password Validation Rules

Ash Allen contributed the ability to define custom validation rules that will run as part of default password rules using the rules() method:

The rules() method accepts a single rule, an array of rules, or a closure for a closure validation rule.

00:00 - Intro

00:18 - Lazy Loading Eloquent Results

01:32 - Adding Full-text Indexes

02:09 - Hiding Columns in "select *" Statements

02:37 - New allowIf() & denyIf() Gate Methods

03:16 - Retrieve Request Input as Carbon Instances

03:37 - Artisan Command to Clear Cached Mutex

04:34 - New Approach for Adding Accessors & Mutators

07:43 - Forge's New Look

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