naked-science 25 years ago
science and technology #Space and Time

Universe 2001 | Beyond the Millennium: Creation (1999)

Beyond the Millennium is a television series observing astronomical phenomena, research, and theories on the universe and its origins and Narrated by John Hurt. SEPTEMBER 12, 1999

The documentary premiered in 1999 and presents an overview of the universe as humans understood it at that time, and how we think it will evolve in the next millennium. Using 3D computer generated graphics, the series features animated sequences that offer insight into the Big Bang theory and the anatomy of the sun.

"Creation", for years scientists have speculated about the beginning of the universe. Some astronomers support the Big Bang theory while others purport the Steady State theory. Which one is correct? Telescopes that tune into natural heat radiation coming from space are helping scientists find answers to these and other questions.

One day our universe will cool and die, our only escape maybe to risk a flight into a different universe. Perhaps the greatest question facing the human race is to discover where we came from, and find out what is our ultimate fate. Every culture, every age, has asked that question and tried answering it.

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