The Spiffing Brit | How To Kill A Youtube Video
Youtube is a perfectly balanced platform with no exploits at all...
2023-03-27 19:00:00 - YouTube Creators
Ok well maybe there are a few! Youtube is the greatest video sharing platform on the web and every now and again everyone finds a new way to exploit the website to glitch and bug the algorithm to become the largest channels on the website.
In the 2010s we saw gaming channels accidentally use an algorithm glitch to become the only things youtube recommended. Now however youtube has a new secret exploit! There are many ways of explaining how to grow on youtube or how to get more views or how to get subscribers. Today however we will be using an algorithm glitch to gain more views than we should ever get as well as thousands of subscribers and preferential promotion in the algorithm.
Have you ever wandered how the youtube algorithm works well guess what the new youtube algorithm 2023 edition is completely broken and full of bugs, glitches and exploits! If you ever wanted to know how to grow on youtube then you probably thought the answer was to make more videos but no! instead the spiffing brit will explain the youtube algorithm to show how dream exploited the youtube algorithm 2023 to gain millions of subscribers.