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The Rolling Stones | I Can't Get No Satisfaction (1965)

"I Can't Get No Satisfaction" is a song recorded by the English rock band the Rolling Stones. A product of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards' songwriting partnership, it features a guitar riff by Richards that opens and drives the song.

1965-06-05 19:00:00 - Rolling Stones

The riff by Richards is widely considered one of the greatest hooks of all time.

The song lyrics refer to sexual frustration and commercialism.

The song was first released as a single in the United States in June 1965 and was also featured on the American version of the Rolling Stones' fourth studio album, Out of Our Heads, released that July.

"Satisfaction" was a hit, giving the Stones their first number one in the US. In the UK, the song initially was played only on pirate radio stations, because its lyrics were considered too sexually suggestive. It later became the Rolling Stones' fourth number one in the United Kingdom.

It is one of the world's most popular songs, and was No. 31 on Rolling Stone magazine's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time list in 2021.

It was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 1998, and it is the 10th ranked song on critics' all-time lists according to Acclaimed Music. The song was added to the National Recording Registry of the Library of Congress in 2006.

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