nostalgia-nerd 42 years ago
Peter Leigh #Technology

Sinclair ZX Spectrum | Birth of a Classic (1982)

The ZX Spectrum is 35 years old on 23rd April 2017, and it also holds a very special place in my heart, so it's time to wish it a happy birthday... It's the machine I grew up with and which led me to creating this very channel. I've covered the Sinclair ZX Spectrum in the past, but frankly I didn't do it justice, so we're revisiting Sir Clive's iconic 8 bit home micro in detail, starting with The Sinclair Years in this two part documentary.

I've covered the Sinclair ZX Spectrum in the past, but frankly I didn't do it justice, so we're revisiting Sir Clive's iconic 8 bit home micro in detail, starting with The Sinclair Years in this two part documentary. 

This first part explores Clive Sinclair's early years, from his childhood to the formation of Sinclair Radionics in 1961, through the mini amplifier period, pocket calculator, black watch and finally his range of computers, starting with the MK14 and culminating in the ZX Spectrum 128k.

We'll look at the people involved behind the Spectrum such as Jim Westwood and Chris Curry and explore other avenues such as the famous punch up between Clive and Chris in a Cambridge pub.

Peter Leigh
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