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NativePHP | Desktop Apps with Laravel

NativePHP is a framework for building native desktop applications using Laravel and the tools you're already familiar with.

2023-07-30 22:00:00 - Andre Madarang

It has support for bundling your application with Electron with support for Tauri coming soon.

In this video, we'll take a look at some of the basics of NativePHP and build an example desktop application that pulls data from the Reddit API.

00:00 - Intro and Show Demo App

01:16 - Installation and setup with Vite

07:05 - Opening New Window

11:37 - Native Notifications

13:57 - Application Menu

21:39 - Menu Bar

23:31 - Database was SQLite

27:39 - Settings - Light and Dark Theme

35:54 - Demo App Reddit API

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