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MagnatesMedia | How Facebook Beat Google

Google should have easily won the social network war.

2023-03-27 13:00:00 - MagnatesMedia

Not only did Google have more money, experience, employees, and users - Google actually launched their first social network site in January 2004 (a social media site called ORKUT), a few weeks before Facebook launched, and long before the likes of Twitter and Instagram.

In fact Google has created many different attempts to directly compete with all of these platforms - and yet they’ve all failed.

Most famous was Google+, which has since been described as ‘Google’s biggest ever failure’ - it became a joke, and not only did people not want to use it, many actively hated it.

So, what was the REAL reason Google + failed? With the help of leaked emails and interviews, in this video we’ll explore behind the scenes of the rise and fall of Google +.

Because Google is a company that has achieved such ridiculously impressive things - from organizing the internet with search, to indexing the world’s books, mapping the planet, and creating countless innovative and helpful products.

And yet when it comes to building a social network to rival Facebook, Google has repeatedly failed spectacularly.  

Now technically you could say YouTube is a social network - but it’s obviously more of a video platform than friends connecting and sharing updates.

Which is why Google spent so much money trying to make Google+ work. So let’s go on a journey into the inner workings of Google, and find out the truth.

Welcome to the insane story of Google+ and the battle for social media between big tech.

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