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Kevin Stratvert | Google AI Studio | The End of Tutorials?

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have an expert sitting right next to you, ready to guide you through any software, step by step?

2025-01-10 23:00:00 - AI News

With Google AI Studio’s Stream Realtime feature, that’s now a reality! In this video, I’ll show you how to use this cutting-edge AI tool to learn software like Microsoft Excel, DaVinci Resolve, and even PowerPoint in a whole new way.

00:00 - Introduction

00:28 - Get Google AI Studio

00:56 - Main interface

02:08 - Excel Demo: Use AI to separate columns and create a pivot table

05:13 - DaVinci Resolve Demo: Zoom in on a clip with keyframes

07:08 - PowerPoint Demo: Improve slide design with visuals

09:09 - Wrap Up

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