This telescope just blows my mind every time it finds something! So much information in such little time! Imagine what this machine can find in 10 years!
00:00 - Introduction
00:24 - Announced at AAS conference in Seattle last week
00:58 - Where in the sky is LHS 475b?
01:34 - How they knew where to look with JWST (the TESS mission)
03:18 - Why they care about planets around red dwarf stars
05:07 - What data did they take with JWST?
05:58 - What that data tells us about LHS 475b
09:01 - The atmosphere of LHS 475b - how JWST reveals this
10:19 - What is LHS 475b's atmosphere made of?
13:52 - How we could work out which atmosphere model is right
14:30 - What this discovery means for exoplanet studies
15:32 - Brilliant
16:57 - Bloopers