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Jauwn | The "Web3" Metaverse | One Year Later

There isn't much else to be said on this topic that I haven't said already. The #Crypto, #Web3, #Metaverse was a slop of buzzwords that landed on my plate in 2022.

I've spent the last year dutifully covering it from an unbiased, "gamer's" perspective. While we already know how the crypto industry has trended over the past year (down), it's still interesting to go back and look at the specific examples I covered in previous videos.

Thus, join me again as we go back and look at specific examples covered in my Worst NFT Game Ever? series. The best part about doing these videos, is that I only ever need to do one follow up on every game I've reviewed, since they all ended up being catastrophic failures.

This one will be fun!

Mark Zuckerberg
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