insane-curiosity 2 months ago
astronomy science technology #Wildlife

How Spiders Become More Alien Than They Should

Whether you have found a way to love them or not, spiders are pretty creepy.

It’s not just their size or speed, it’s how alien they are compared to any other animal. Unlike insects, spiders don’t have an actual head; instead, their body and head merge into a single, eerie structure called the cephalothorax. And if you think spiders are closely related to insects, think again.

Spiders and insects split from a common ancestor over 500 million years ago, making humans and sharks seem like family by comparison.

But why are spiders so unlike anything else in the animal kingdom? What is behind the alien design of spiders? And what ancient creatures share their DNA?

Spiders are full of surprises, with an astonishing variety from one species to another.

Some are incredible engineers, while others are great at camouflage.

Insane Curiosity
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