space documentaries #Space and Time

History of the Universe | How Did The Universe Begin?

Researched and Written by Leila Battison, Narrated and Edited by David Kelly.

00;00:00 | Introduction

00;05:44 | 01. The Planck Era: First Ten-Tredecillionth Of A Second

00;18:51 | 02. Grand Unification: First Undecillionth of A Second

00;26:56 | 03. Inflation: First Picosecond

00;41:43 | 04. The Higgs and Mass: First Billionth of a Second

00;56:06 | 05. Fine Tuning, Protons, Neutrons and Antimatter: First Millionth of a Second

01:13:23 | 06. Neutrinos and Primordial Black Holes: First Second

01:31:59 | 07. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis: First Minute

01:44:12 | 08. The First Molecule: First 100,000 Years

01:54:59 | 09. First Atoms, First Light: First 380,000 Years

02:10:23 | 10: Dark Matter and Dark Energy: First Million Years

History of the Universe
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