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Great Sphinx Lost Temple | Virtual 3D Reconstruction

In my last video I showed you a number of lost relics from the Great Sphinx, artefacts excavated from between the paws in the early 19th century by Giovanni Caviglia, which were removed and now sit in museum storerooms around the world.

2023-10-24 23:00:00 - Ancient Architects

Yes, the area between the paws of the Sphinx looks very different today to how it looked not just at the end of dynastic history, but also as recent as 200 years ago. All we can see today is the famous 18th dynasty granite Dream Stele of Thutmose IV and a granite plyth, but there was so much more.
Now, thanks to the incredible work of Kevin Eslinger @ESLINGERART the lost relics of the Great Sphinx have been virtually put back in place and in this video I'll take you on a journey of discovery as we explore this exclusive 3D reconstruction.

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