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God's Reset | Noah's Fight Against the Biblical Flood

This documentary explores the captivating tale of Noah's Great Flood, a seminal event recorded in the Bible.

2023-07-14 19:00:00 - Hazards Catastrophes

The Bible tells us that God chose to eradicate all life on Earth through a monumental flood, with Noah and his family being the only exception, surviving this monumental deluge.

Despite the fantastical elements of the Bible's account of Noah, the documentary questions whether this ancient story holds any historical truth. Could such an Earth-shattering event have truly occurred?

Our documentary presents scientists diligently investigating possible theories, striving to unearth the reality behind this historical enigma.

Faced with the undeniable reality of human-induced climate change posing a serious threat to our planet, this documentary draws parallels with the Great Flood from biblical times.

Could history, as told through the Bible, repeat itself, or can we prevent a recurrence of such a catastrophe?

This thought-provoking documentary invites viewers to explore the intersection of biblical history, environmental concerns, and the future of humanity.

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