natural-world-facts 4 years ago
Leo's Deep Sea Documentaries #Wildlife

Exploring the Deep Sea Food Web

The deep sea appears barren, lifeless, and silent. The lonely expanse rolls out into a long horizon, while the great abyss plummets ever-downwards into darkness.

Communities of life are solitary. They seem isolated from other habitats in the deep. But there is more going on here. The exact nature of the deep sea food web is still not fully understood, but advancements in technology and research in recent years have granted us a greater understanding of how these separate settlements of life are interconnected as one. Let’s take a closer look at the food web of the deep sea.

00:00 - Introduction: The Deep Sea Food Web

01:05 - Photoautotrophs: Plants and Phytoplankton

01:48 - Producers: Photosynthesis as a Source of Energy

02:01 - Primary Consumers: Herbivores

02:23 - Secondary Consumers: Carnivores and Top Predators

02:47 - Marine Snow: How Nutrients Reach the Deep Sea

03:32 - Hydrothermal Vents: Energy Production in the Deep Sea

03:59 - Chemosynthesis Explained

04:41 - Primary Consumers: Grazing the Microbial Mats

05:08 - Secondary Consumers: Predators at Deep Sea Vents

05:18 - The Deep Sea Nutrient Cycle

05:52 - The Nutrient Supply Chain

06:24 - The Pelagic Ocean Wanderers

06:50 - Trophic Levels in the Deep Sea

07:55 - Whale-Fall Ecosystems Explained

08:24 - Whale-Falls: The Mobile-Scavenger Stage

08:56 - Whale-Falls: The Sulfophilic Stage

10:06 - Conclusion

11:05 - The Deep Sea Hub

Natural World Facts
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