The evolution of personal transport from 1920 to 2020 has exploded in the last few decades. This is mainly thanks to small powerful electric motors that keep getting smaller and more efficient every year.
There have been many notable useful and creative transportation gadgets in the last century, here are some of them:
1920s Monowheel
1920s Autoped
1930s The Corgi
1940s MK1 Welbike
1940s Cushman Scooter
1950s Mobylette
1950s Mopetta
1960s Motorized Roller Skates
1960s Personal Hovercraft
1960s Peel P50
1970s Mobylette
1980s Roll Ex
1990s Roller Cycle
2000s Motoboard
2000s Segway
2000s Electric Bikes
2000s Ryno Micro-Cycle
2000s Wheelman Gas Skateboard
2000s Trikke Electric
2010s Hoverboard
2010s Solowheel
2010s IOTAtrax
2010s Doped Bikes
2010s Electric Drift Trike
2010s Electric Scooter
2010s Boosted Boards
2010s Hoverwheels
2020s Walkcar
2020s CityGo Urban
2020s Solar Powered E-bike: Daymak Beast
2020s Honda UNI-CUB
2020s Schaeffler Four Wheeled Electric Bike
2020s Two Wheeled Electric Car