chubbyemu 7 months ago
dr. bernard #Health

Dark Web Tapeworm Eggs to Lose Weight | What Happens?

Patient TE by Ivy Zhao, Physician by Dr Kylo G, Physician by Murphy Chen (MS3 Fudan University Medical School), Patients in the hospital by Ace, Wu, and Jason Whang, Cowboy by Wolfgang Nelson, Grip and Electric: David Zhang, Assistant Producer: Jason Whang, Producer: Dr Katherine Johns, Filmed at Xingxi Studios, Shanghai

00:00 - A Woman Ate Dark Web Bought Tapeworm Eggs To Lose Weight

00:29 - The poison of envy

00:57 - Weirdos sitting at a farm of android phones leaving the wildest comments

01:48  - I'm Chester Cestode and I will Change Your Life

03:20 - Haha number go down

04:15 - Time to lose some more weight

05:00 - Hey doc, my head hurts

07:58 - Trainwell

09:28 - Interesting looking dots you got there...

10:45 - Moo Moo

12:42 - Chester Cestode unmasked

14:54 - Risk vs benefit (yes, gila monster saliva has associated risks too)

15:32 - Chester Cestode has been associated with long term, permanent effects. not worth

16:33 - This could follow her decades into the future

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