ai-news 1 year ago
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AI Foundations | 32 ChatGPT Tips for Beginners

Designed for AI enthusiasts and newcomers alike, this video offers a comprehensive guide on mastering ChatGPT, the cutting-edge product of OpenAI's GPT-4 technology.

We unravel 32 invaluable tips that will transform you from a novice to a pro in no time.

From understanding prompt engineering to exploring the full potential of the ChatGPT interface, I cover it all.

00:00 - 32 ChatGPT Tips for Beginners

00:13 - Assign roles

01:40 - Format your outputs

02:29 - Generate to-do lists

03:51 - Rename chat logs 

04:34 - Prompt follow-up questions

05:51 - Use ‘Explain it to a child’

06:45 - Change your dashboard appearance

07:09 - Share chat thread links

07:43 - Change the tone of your writing

09:21 - Purchase the ChatGPT mastery

10:40 - Be concise in your prompts

11:24 - Change the style of your writing

12:45 - Quickly learn in ChatGPT

14:00 - Upgrade to plus

14:37 - View the plug-ins store

15:27 - Analyze links with web browsing

16:16 - Templatize useful prompts

17:49 - Revise your existing text

18:23 - Use step by step guides

19:28 - Use ChatGPT for entertainment

20:22 - Coding assistance 

21:36 - Brainstorm new ideas

22:45 - Mediation in ChatGPT

24:14 - Journal with ChatGPT

25:00 - Export your chat logs

25:52 - Understand limitations 

26:38 - Use human-like text

27:04 - Check for plagiarism

27:31 - Study with ChatGPT 

28:47 - Use generated knowledge 

29:49 - Create personalized plans

30:34 - Watch these ChatGPT tutorials

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