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Cognitive Biases Explained | How to Think More Logically

We are going to be explaining 12 cognitive biases in this video and presenting them in a format that you can easily understand to help you make better decision in your life.

2016-12-30 19:00:00 -

Cognitive biases are flaws in logical thinking that clear the path to bad decisions, so learning about these ideas can reduce errors in your thought process, leading to a more successful life.

These biases are very closely related to logical fallacies, which may help you win an argument or present information better.

00:00 | Intro

00:18 | Anchoring Bias: 1st information disproportionately influence later jugements. Related to contrast effect

01:22 | Availability Bias: Focusing on what you know / what is shown. Lack of perspective

02:22 | Bandwagon Effect: Aka group thinking. Doing like the others, social pressure

03:09 | Choice Supportive Bias: A choice unknowingly becomes cue of superiority and feed filtering effects. Fanboys, religion, partisanism

03:50 | Confirmation Bias: Only searching for proofs aligned with point of view. Misinterpret contradictory evidences to support current world view

04:30 | Ostrich Bias: Ignore or rationalize negative information

05:20 | Outcome Bias: Base the effectiveness of a decision on its outcome, neglecting other factors. Basis for superstition.

06:12 | Overconfidence: Stop making decision based on facts after a series of successes06:52 | Placebo Effect: The belief of an outcome improves its likeness.

07:44 | Survivorship Bias (Only taking into account the positive outcomes, which gives irrelevant correlations

08:32 | Selective Perception: Ostrich + Confirmation combined?09:08 | Blindspot Bias: Thinking that we are less biased than the next folk

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